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Published April 10, 2012

So it seems that StreetPassing has finally caught on! While I’ve been racking up Play Coins long before it was cool,* this year’s PAX East seemed like a major turning point for the noteworthy 3DS feature. You couldn’t walk 10 feet without connecting with fellow gamers, and many were able to complete puzzles and dungeons that had been previously untouched. For many, the biggest bonuses were the Mario Kart 7 ghosts and Kid Icarus: Uprising weapon gems, as those are obviously two of the biggest games on the system. However, for those of us who played the forgotten eShop game Freakyforms, PAX East opened the floodgate of abominations and misshapen gaming mascots we’ve been craving. It was honestly quite thrilling to have a reason to boot up this almost-great game again, and you can check out my discoveries below. Truly wonderful work, fellow PAXers.

*It’s never actually been cool.

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